Hey everyone. Don't forget to join us in an hour for the exciting Community Call with our Product Manager @Swan.

18 Jul 2023, 16:00
Hey everyone! πŸ”₯ πŸͺ Don't forget to join us in an hour for the exciting Community Call with our Product Manager @Swan! We'll be diving into the Apeiron release, UI/UX improvements, and some upcoming dashboard changes.πŸ”₯ Join us hereπŸ‘‰ :https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1LyxBqqOrlnJN ⏰ And...don't miss this one if you are a huge fan of Evmos!😎 πŸ”Έ Mini Conference: Crossing the Interoperability Bridge Take a deep dive into building interoperable dApps with IBC with @Danburck, CPO at Altiplanic and core contributor at Evmos.🦾